Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Class! Trash-to-Treasure Papermaking

Trash-to-Treasure Papermaking
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Time: 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Location: Crown Hill United Methodist Church
8500 – 14th Avenue NW
The art of papermaking goes back over 2,000 years. Until 1798, all paper was made by hand in much the same way that artists and crafters make paper today. This workshop will provide the tools, supplies, and techniques for the simplest and cheapest way to start making your own paper at home (tin-can papermaking). And, since paper is made from paper, there is no shortage of materials. The class will be limited to 10 workstations, but friends or families may share a workstation. All ages are welcomed and encouraged.

Dorothy Skans is a Seattle native and a life-long crafter slash artist. She is now in the phase of trying new things to do with paper and offers workshops to motivate others (along with herself) in expanding their horizons.


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