Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another Great Sew-Up Seattle Event!

Here's something from Sew Up Seattle!

Sew Fun Bags 2010 – The Challenge

Hi All you Community Sewing Enthusiasts!

We are having another sewing recycling adventure this time with a twist. We are creating cloth bags at the Ballard Library Community Room (it is becoming a fall time habit – 3 years now) in conjunction with Sustainable Ballard and’s World Day of Service in order to call attention to climate change on Sunday 10-10-10. The twist is the challenge aspect. We will have only 10 machines and 3 hours to create as many bags as possible in that time. (I don’t think it is mathematically possible to do much more than 90 bags with experienced sewers who have had prep time.) Sew Up Seattle has procured plenty of fabrics, and Ballard Quality Sewing and Machine is loaning the machines. By providing an opportunity for people to come sew their own bags we will reduce the number of disposable bags generated. By teaching folks to sew, we increase the likelihood that even more reusable bags will be made, and used and reused.

We need people to volunteer for all shifts to guide work party participants through the process as well as brainstorming and gathering minimal material donations pre-event. If you have helped out before you know how much fun this is. We also need help getting the word out.

The volunteer roles that need to be filled are: Pre-event; -challenge brainstorming and notions gathering, Day of event; guides, coaches and machine monitors and clean-up reallocating of resources (We believe that no scrap is too small, we just don’t have room to store it all.) The work party day shifts are 12:30-2:30, 2:00-4:00 and 4:00-5:00. The Challenge will run from 1-4 but we will need time to set up and clear out.

Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering, what time you are available your preferred role (challenge brainstorm, gatherer, guide, coach or machine monitor. If you have questions or need more information let us know.

Let the Challenge Begin!

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