Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Updating our Website... we need your help!

Howdy all! As some of you know we got a new website a year or so ago that works great for posting classes. Sadly we've been slackers on updating the other bits and pieces of the site and so now it's time. Here's the help we need from you:

We've got some great class pictures but because we tend to be the people standing up front teaching we also don't have nearly as many as we'd like. Do you have some great Seattle Free School pictures? If so please post them on flickr and tag them seafreeschool or just email them to us at

Sadly a number of the free class spaces we have posted on the site have gone away but at the same time we know there are lots of other places offering free classes. If you know of a place that regularly has free classes please email us at so we can get these posted on the web!

Thanks all and see you at a Seattle Free School class soon!

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