Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Class Posted!

Creating Meaningful Success
Time: 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Location: Queen Anne Library
Success in the 21st Century often comes with a high price tag - disease, dissatisfaction and a feeling of never enough. Explore the cultural scripts that keep you chasing after someone else\'s dreams and start to unravel the fears and self limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. This interactive class will look at the relationship between success and personal fulfillment and get you started on the path to meaningful success in your own life. Perfect for anyone who has been affected by the recent economic crisis as well as those just looking for more in their lives!

Supplies: notebook/pen

Facilitator: Desiree Bryan is a Certified Life Coach and the owner of Life Alignment Coaching. She supports individuals in bringing their outer world into alignment with their inner values so that they can live simply, joyfully and meaningfully.

Register through the classes page here.

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