Saturday, November 1, 2008

Upcoming, just in time for the holidays!

Waste Free Holidays – at the Giving Tree

Did you know that people throw away 25 % more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year than any other time of the year?

Do it differently this year. Join in with Free School, The Giving Tree and Celebrate Local to make this year a waste free holiday. Experience the pleasure of creating gifts, wearables and decorations from commonly recycled or trash materials. Create leg warmers, organizer sets, rugs, crazy quilt stockings, gift bags, candle shields, draft busters, ornaments and much, much more!

So start collecting:
Wine corks, old maps and calendars, aluminum pie tins and roaster pans, salt boxes, French fried onion cans, old sweaters, fabric remnants, plastic bags(grocery, shopping or bread bags.) old 8-10 wood picture frames.

We will post the class list and times in early November.

1 comment:

  1. I should have said 8-10 inch picture frames, wooden if possible.
