Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Class- MEAD!

Well, we have a cancelled class and a new class. Our costuming class was originally set for before Halloween but due to a large library wide event our scheduled time was bumped to after Halloween. Obviously this wasn't ideal, so rather then continue on with a costuming class in November, our lovely facilitator Beth is going to be teaching us how to make Mead instead!

Here's the info:

Mead Making 101-Come learn how to make mead and other fruit wines! This class covers what you need, as well as basic recipes (including non-alcoholic mead for the little ones), and a brief history of mead. Please note: there will be no actual brewing or tasting of alcohol during this class. All ages welcome.
Facilitator – Beth Wade
Schedule- Saturday, November 8th, 1-3pm at the Ballard Library

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