Tuesday, July 15, 2008

our weekly newsletter printed here for your convenience!

Seattle Free School
More Press!
Can you believe it? We've received even more press. This issue of Edible Seattle has a great little spot towards the front that talks about Seattle Free School. Pretty amazing to keep getting such great press coverage and so give yourselves a big hand. If it weren't for you folks there wouldn't be anything worth writing about!
Time Management Class
Folks, we're moving to a sign up for this class (though no one will be turned away at the door unless we max out the library meeting room). Please, if you're wanting to attend the Time Management class, sign up.

Another New Class
Yup, that's right, another class. Clare, our great facilitator from the Giving Tree will be hosting a facilitators class. So if you're looking to facilitate at the Seattle Free School this is the class for you. Mainly we go over logistics of how to have a Seattle Free School class and a tiny bit about teaching. It's not hard, there's just a bit to know.

Our Blog
Folks, there's quite a bit of information that goes into our blog that may or may not ever make it into these emails so please do check it out. Currently we're looking for a place to teach a kayaking class...

Do You Want To Help?
Reminder that our organizers meeting is this Saturday at Allegro Coffee in the U District (it's in the alley, a block down from the U Book Store) at 3pm. We'll be upstairs most likely so come join us.

You can also help by printing the flyer that is attached to this email and posting it at a place you go to already, coffee shop, church, grocery store, you name it. ((for you blog readers just shoot us an email if you'd like to hang a flyer!))

And finally folks, thanks to all of you for being a part of Seattle Free School. Without you we wouldn't even exist! And please, remember to pass this along to your friends, family, coworkers, etc...

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