Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big Ol Update!

Well folks, as most of you know Seattle Free School's first class was a week ago Saturday and thanks to your efforts to spread the word it was a huge success! 45 people showed up for the class which is absolutely awesome (and a bit intimidating)! Fortunately there were several folks at the class with Chicken knowledge who helped answer questions and give more information... just the way the free school is intended... a facilitator only helps lead the class but everyone participates!

Radio Spot! Yup, that's right, Seattle Free School was mentioned on the radio! The 5-6 minute public affairs feature aired last Thursday between 6 and 7PM (usually about 6:20 or 6:30) on KBCS's One World Report (91.3 on the FM Dial) - that's their Thursday night compilation of local, national and world news -- more local if they've got more local material. It can also be listened to online by going to kbcs.fm and finding the Green Acre Radio site on the Friday after it originally airs.... or by clicking here. It's a spot on Urban Hens and Sustainably Raised Chickens so our mention is small but hey, mention of our classes on the radio is great no matter how large!

Next Class! Just a reminder that the next class of Seattle Free School is quickly approaching. Getting your Irish Citizenship will be offered at Wayward Coffee House on March 27th at 7pm. While everyone is welcome to attend the class will cover getting your Irish Citizenship for those with a parent or a grandparent born in Ireland or Northern Ireland.

NOTE! This is at WAYWARD coffee house... not greenwood coffee house which I don't think even exists. Sorry for the mistype in the email!

New classes! Lots of new classes posted on the class site and more to come soon so please keep checking back. Included now is our first class not offered by me (Jessica). It's a class by Cecile Andrews founder of the Phinny Ecovillage (and a lot more). Check it out!

Also, currently the auto repair class is FULL! If you'd like to be put on the waiting list let us know via email.

We should be having an organizers and/or teachers meeting coming up soon so keep your eyes peeled for it if you want to be involved!

Also keep your eyes out for a new page on our site... it will be a list of all the skills we're seeking a facilitator for... things like html and css so I can fix our sad free website for example!

OK, that's all for now! See you all soon at a Seattle Free School class!

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