Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Teaching Clarification

Just wanted to offer a bit of clarification about Seattle Free School. While currently the classes are largely craft based, there is no need for this to be the case. If you want to teach classes on just about anything, you're welcome here. Foreign language classes, photography classes, business classes, football appreciation classes, basketball classes... really, you name it.

And if there are classes you would like to see please let me know that too... and I'll do my best to hunt down someone to teach it.

The other idea is that you really don't need to be a pro to teach/facilitate a class. I've been making soap for about 2 years... I'm in no way a professional, but I've got enough experience to teach what I know to people that haven't ever done it before. Really that's all that's needed. Of course, if you're got a bit more knowledge you can always offer an advanced class... that's welcome too!

On a different note, I have a couple of people signed up for the beekeeping class and a couple for the chickens class. Once I've had a chance to put out a few more flyers I'll be arranging a time for these. If you'd like to be on the list please let me know.

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